getaway plans

Monday, October 01, 2007

letters and then letters

"One's real life is often the life that one does not lead."
-Oscar Wilde

"A woman's whole life in a single day. Just one day. And in that day her whole life."

"I always imagined Paradise will be a kind of library."
-Jorge Luis Borges

"All I care about is distances traversed, miles an hour, the geography of despair and coffee and nonsense and beauty, of punk rock and luggage and grime and sugar and young love."
-Al Burian

"One must have chaos in oneself to give birth to a dancing star."

"Every weekend is a vacation."
-sign on Colonial

"Asimov was a claustrophile; he enjoyed small, enclosed spaces. In the first volume of his autobiography, he recalls a childhood desire to own a magazine stand in a New York City subway station, within which he could enclose himself and listen to the rumble of passing trains while reading."


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